March 10, 2025
Recently, I needed to run a process on an HPC cluster that required a secret, but I wanted to avoid storing my private key as a file on the cluster for security reasons. Instead, I looked for a way to decrypt an encrypted secret on the HPC while keeping my private key securely on my local machine.
A great solution for this is GPG agent forwarding, which allows a remote machine to use a local GPG agent to decrypt secrets. This worked well when I could log into a single head node, but it broke when my HPC cluster implemented a load balancer that assigned me to a random node each time I logged in. The typical approach -- deleting the existing agent socket and reconnecting -- became unreliable.
This post explains the problem in detail, walks through several failed solutions, and ultimately presents the working method I found to maintain secure GPG agent forwarding even when connecting through a randomized load balancer.
September 22, 2021
I use pandoc for converting markdown into PDF. Using LaTeX templates, I can make nice-looking PDFs output that, in my opinion, look as good as a professional publication. But one challenge I've struggled with is how to handle supplementary citations. Here, I outline the problem and describe a lua filter I wrote to solve it.
January 12, 2021
Video conferencing is on the rise, but people are still learning how to use it. It's convenient in many ways, but also comes with some new challenges that make it harder to communicate than talking face-to-face. In this post I share some specific things I've learned about how to improve communication and reduce fatigue when using video technology.
November 23, 2020
Want to switch from legacy HPC environment modules and upgrade to linux containers, so you can re-use them on multiple servers? Here's how I did it.
February 26, 2019
PERSPECTIVE: The democratization of scientific publication
What's next for the revolution in scientific publishing? The scientific publishing industry is facing challenges to pillars of tradition like peer review and journal subscription. In the face of these challenges, the traditional roles of scientific publishers are deteriorating. New tools are now putting scientific publication within reach of the masses, leading to an explosion of new journals and funding models. As the material cost to publish a scientific paper approaches zero, what stops a scientist from simply self-publishing research? Here, I present my experience building a basic self-publishing system and my perspective on the changing modes of scholarly publication.
August 21, 2017
Many common bioinformatic tasks are embarrassingly parallel, and there are many ways to parallelize. The way you decide to parallelize will affect both performance and developer cost, and choosing the best way in practice depends on the specifics of the project. To implement parallelism in a project usually requires significant developer resources, and unfortunately, in my opinion these resources are not always well-spent. This post summarizes my experience with parallelism in bioinformatics into a few useful concepts to guide how to employ it to the greatest benefit in terms of both computational efficiency and respect for developer time.
PDF icons denote polished work self-published as part of my article series. This is an experiment in scholarly communication, where I will publish short perspective papers, mini-reviews, or software application notes on my web page. These are papers that I deem worthy of publication, and I publish them in traditional PDF format using my automated publishing platform. I view these articles not as static, published posts, but as living, dynamic articles.